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Showing posts from May, 2011

$$$$$$$$$WHAT IS FTP and SFTP$$$$$$$$$$

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an older protocol for moving files back and forth over the Internet and other networks. All modern web browsers still speak FTP, which was sometimes used as a substitute for HTTP in the early days of the web. FTP is still used often as a means of downloading large files. Many web hosts still offer FTP as the preferred way of uploading new web pages to a website. However, because there is no encryption of your password, FTP is not the best choice for this purpose. And since there is no encryption of the files being moved, FTP is a poor choice indeed for more sensitive information. SFTP (Secure FTP) is a popular replacement. Built on SSL, SFTP is just as secure as HTTPS. And most modern FTP clients, such as the free, high-quality FileZilla program for Windows, support both FTP and SFTP. SFTP offers a set of features quite similar to FTP and will be immediately familiar to FTP users, although it works quite differently "under the hood." Ever...

$$$$$$$$$$How To Delete A Read Only File$$$$$$$$$$

1.Click the “Start” button. 2.Click “Computer” to launch the Windows Explorer. Now go where the file is located! 3.Select that file and right-click with the mouse. From the menu that appears on the screen select “Properties”. Notice that the “Attributes” check box is checked. Click to un-check it! Notice the “Read-only” label on the screen. Deselect it and after click OK to save your progress. 4.Now try to see if the file can be deleted. Simply right-click on it and select the “Delete” option and then press “Yes”.

$$$$$$$$$EXTERNAL DOS COMMANDS$$$$$$$$$

APPEND Allows programs to open data files in specified directories as if they were in the current directory. ATTRIB Displays or changes file attributes. CHKDSK Checks a disk and displays a status report. CHOICE Prompts the user to make a choice in a batch program. COMMAND Starts a new instance of the MS-DOS command interpreter. COMP Compares the contents of two files or sets of files. DBLSPACE Creates and manages drives compressed by using DoubleSpace. DEBUG Starts Debug, a program testing and editing tool. DEFRAG Reorganizes the files on a disk to optimize the disk. DELOLDOS Deletes the OLD_DOS.1 directory and the files it contains. DELTREE Deletes a directory and all the files and subdirectories in it. DISKCOMP Compares the contents of two floppy disks. DISKCOPY Copies the contents of one floppy disk to another. DOSKEY Edits command lines, recalls MS-DOS commands, and creates macros. DOSSHELL Starts MS-DOS Shell. DRVSPACE Creates ...


WE CANNOT CREATE THESE FOLDERS CON, PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9 and more The reason is that con, aux,clocks, lpt1..lpt9, etc are underlying devices from the time dos was written. so if u r allowed to create such folders, there will be an ambiguity in where to write data when the data is supposed to go to the specified devices. In other words, if i want to print something, internally what windows does is — it will write the data to the folder prn (virtually u can call it a folder, i mean clocks, con, etc are virtual folders in device level). So if we are able to create con folder, windows will get confused where to write the data, to virtual con folder or real one. STEPS TO CREATE CON FOLDER We can create the CON folder easily 1. Create a folder and name it as CON 2.Press and hold Alt and type 0160 and press enter it will be done. The CON folder will be created.And you have do...