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list of games runs on 3d analyser

18 Wheels of Steel : Extreme Trucker (Use addgame. reg tweak and select DirectX in the game's settings window. Tested on win7)


Africa Corps vs. Desert Rats ( XP ONLY)
Age of Empires II The Age of Kings + The Conquero rs Expansio n
Age of Empires III + The Warchief s + The Asian Dynastie s
Age of Mytholog y + Titans Expansio n
Aggressi on: Reign Over Europe (Using 3DAnalyz er: all textures work but too slow. FPS is unplayab le status. Try Swiftwsh ader)
Aion Online
AirStrik e 3D II
Alpha Prime

Alien Shooter

Alien Shooter 2

America's Secret Operatio ns
Anno 1404 Dawn Of Discover y (3D Analyzer-Emulate Hardware Tnl)
Area 51 (Version 1.2 patch)
Armies of Exigo (Works with Medium Settings with Swiftsha der)

ASHES Cricket 2009 - Demo (Windows 7 with modded driver and 'addgame. reg' Tweak)

Audiosur f

Avencast-Rise of the mage

Armed and Dangerou s (3DAnalyz e)

Attack on Pearl Harbor ( Dogfight game, playable at pretty high setting)


Bad Boys 2: The Video Game
Baja 1000 (use addreg, Still Laggs though)

Battle Isle: The Andosia Conflict
Battlefi eld 1942 (Use 3danalyz e to enable TnL)
Battlefi eld 1942: Desert Combat Mod
Battlefi eld 2 (SwiftSha der 2.0 at lowest setting, very laggy)
Battlefi eld 2142 (3DA emulate hardware Tnl, software TnL, a bit laggy at lowest setting)

Battlefi eld Heroes

Battle Realms + Expansio n
Battlest ataions Midway
Battlefi eld Vietnam
Batman Vengeanc e

Beyond Good And Evil
Big Mutha Truckers 2

Bioshock (ShaderSh ock 2.0 [dont use 2.0b!] and run using SwiftSha der)

Black And White

Black Mirror / Black Mirror Special Edition
BlackSho t (All Details High, tested with XP v1.2 Modded Driver)
Blazing Angels Squadron s of WWII
Blitzkri eg + All Expansio ns
Blitzkri eg 2 Demo (But NOT the full version of game!Comment: Blitzkri eg 2: Liberati on worked for me, Vista)
Blood Bowl

Bloodray ne 1 (3da sw tnl, hw tnl) medium settings

Boiling Point: Road to Hell (Vista/7 Modded Drivers. Low FPS, about 15-20 on version 1.00)

Breath of fire 4

Brian Lara Internat ional Cricket 2005
Brian Lara Internat ional Cricket 2007 (3D Analyze)
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (Works under XP and Vista)
Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon (Works under XP and Vista)
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror (Works under XP and Vista)
Brothers In Arms: Road To Hill 30 (3danalyz e or addgame. reg)
Brothers In Arms: Earned In Blood (Laggy)

Caesar IV
Call of Ctulhu: Dark corners of the Earth

Call of Duty + United Offensiv e
Call of Duty 2 (Windows Vista/Windows 7 With Modded Drivers and 'addgame. reg' Tweak)
Call of Juarez (Bit Laggy)
Champion ship Manager 2006
Champion ship Manager 2007
Champion ship Manager 2008
Chaos Legion (Best Resoluti on, high details - very smooth FPS)
Chrome: Specforc e (Laggy - try low/middle settings)
Chronicl es of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (Use 3D Analyze and emulate HW TnL)
Chronicl es of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (Use 3D Analyze and emulate HW TnL)
CivCity Rome
Civiliza tion IV
Clive Barker's Undying
Close Combat: First to Fight (Use 3D Analyzer, force SW TnL, emulate HW TnL caps)
Code of Honor 2: Conspira cy Island

Code of Honor 3: Desperat e Measures (barely playable on minimum setting)
Codename Panzers: Phase One
Codename Panzers: Phase Two (Note: for both versions, if you encounte red any problems running the demos, change Shadow to 1 under Options. ini file. This only applies to the demos, the full versions can function perfectl y.)
Cold Blood (Only XP)
Cold Fear (3d Analyzer 2.34 only, emulate hw tnl, other dx8.1 caps, force sw tnl)
Colin McRae Rally 2.0
Colin McRae Rally 2004 (Update to latest patch for removing graphica l issues)
Comanche 4
Combat Arms (korean MMOFPS)
Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 + Yuri's Revenge Expansio n Pack

Command & Conquer: Renegade
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars + Kane's Wrath (shader detail must be set to medium to avoid crashes)
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 + Expansio n (Too slow with normal driver,but much better with modded drivers.(addgame. reg, or patch game for more FPS increase .)
Commando s (All Versions)
Company of Heroes (xp--> Laggy even at very low settings vista+mod drivers+addgame.reg---> smooth and playable)
Conan (3da swtnl, hwtnl)

Condemne d: Criminal Origins
Conflict: Desert Storm 2
Conflict: Vietnam
Contract Jack
Counter Strike 1.6
Counter Strike: Conditio n Zero
Counter Strike: Source (Runs slow with normal drivers, with modded drivers you can run with settings and resuluti on on medium, tested with Vista)

|-- CSS SCI FI 3: HARDWIRE D (Counter Strike: Source MOD) (On missions with APCs, restart the game with the -dxlevel 80 command on Set Lauch Options)
Crashday (Not playable with Swiftsha der. FPS too slow)
Crayon Physics Deluxe

Crazy Taxi

Cricket 2005
Cricket 2007
Crime Life: Gang Wars (Use 3D Analyze and emulate HW TnL - solves random restart problem)
Crimson Skies

CrossFir e

Cross Racing Champion ship 2005

Crysis Warhead (945 - Modded driver with addgame. reg Tweak. Also works on 3D Analyze but runs around 10-5 FPS)
Crysis Wars Trial (945 - Modded driver 1554 with registry of "1" on crysis.e xe)
Crysis v1.0 (Can run on Vista without 3D Analyze, some textures buggy on the screen and a bit laggy)
CSI: 3 Dimensio ns of Murder

Darkest Island
Dead to Rights
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down + Team Sabre (3Danalyz e/RegTweak)

Delta Force Xtreme 2 (3Danalyz e/RegTweak) (Laggy)
Deus Ex
Deus Ex 2: Invisibl e War
Devastat ion (All settings on High + highest resoluti on)
Devil May Cry 3 ('addgame. reg' Tweak[Vista/Win7] 3DA Force SW TnL Emulate HW TnL caps Emulate pixel shader caps Check skip pixel shader version 1.1 Check skip pixel shader version 1.4 Check skip pixel shader version 2.0 Check force 100 hz Check disable lighting Note* :This only works on Devil may cry 3 version 1.0) ( Extra Note: Don't use Game Rips or you won't be able to go to the 2nd level. Thing is you can only use Virgil )
Diablo II + Lord of Destruct ion (DirectDr aw for best performa nce)
Dino Crisis (only under XP)
Dino Crisis 2
Dirt Track Racing
Dirty Split

Disciple s
Disciple s II

Disciple s III: Renaissa nce (addgame. reg)
Divine Divinity
Dredd vs Death

Doom 3 (Better with Doom 3 Tweaker Screen RES: 512x384 Minimum Quality Preset 15-60 FPS)

Driver 4 - Parallel Lines (Windows 7 with modded driver and 'addgame. reg' Tweak)

Dungeon Lords (With 3D Analyzer, force SW TnL, emulate HW TnL caps)
Dungeon Runners (Don't put bloom too high)
Dungeon Siege I
Dungeon Siege II
Dynasty Warriors 4: Hyper

Dynasty Warrior 6: (Slow but not laggy, haven't used Swiftsha der or 3D Analyzer)

Earth 2160 (Use 3D Analyzer, force SW TnL, emulate HW TnL caps)
Empire Earth I
Empire Earth II
Empire Earth III Demo (Shaders set to Medium)
Empire Total War: Special Forces Edition (Windows Vista/7 + Modded Drivers + 3D Analyzer - emulate HW TnL caps)
Enter The Matrix
Europa Universa lis 3 (Using Swiftsha der 2.01, needs further experime nt in config)
Evil Dead: Regenera tion



Fable: The Lost Chapters
Fahrenhe it / Indigo Prophecy
Falcon 4.0: Allied Force

Fantasti c 4

Far Cry (Try patching first. Use 3D Analyzer, VendorID= 4098, DeviceID= 20040)
F.E.A.R. (Patch v1.01 to v1.08 required) + Extracti on Point
F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate

F.E.A.R. 2 : Project Origins + Reborn (Swiftsha der but laggy)
FIFA 2003
FIFA 2005
FIFA 2006 + Road To World Cup
FIFA 2007
FIFA 2008
FIFA 2009

FIFA 2010

FIFA Manager 2006
FIFA Manager 2007
FIFA Manager 2008
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII (If it seems bad, dont think it's the card, this game only runs at 640x 480 with bad quality textures)
FlatOut 2 (With low resoluti on, it runs without lag)
Football Manager 2007
Football Manager 2008
Football Manager 2009
Freedom Fighters
Freelanc er

Garry's Mod
Gothic 2
Grandia 2 (only under XP)
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice city
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grim Fandango (Requires newest patch, or it will run in hyperspe ed)
Gran Turismo Racing 2
Gran Turismo Racing: Revoluti on

Ground Control 1

Guild Wars
Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock (v1.3 patch and 3D Analyzer - force SW TnL, disable lighting, force low precisio n pixel shader, emulate HW TnL caps, emulate other DX8.1 caps, performa nce mode and Vendor ID: 4318 Device ID: 816) (You can find tweaks for GH3 in google)

Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2: Deathmat ch
Half-Life 2: Episode One (May crash in some cases, unknown reasons)
Half-Life 2: Episode Two (Windows Vista/7) (May crash in some cases, unknown reasons too)
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo: Custom Edition
Harley-Davidson: Race To The Rally
Harry Potter: The Goblet of fire
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (basicall y all HP games run except Order of Phoenix)

Hellgate: London
Heroes of Might and Magic III + Expansio n
Heroes of Might and Magic V (Patch up to 1.6 will solve all problems regardin g crashing to desktop also official ly remove the CD/DVD check. Note: There will be minor graphica l glitches present if run normally . Use 3DAnalyz e with Emulate HW TnL checked, for better view. Try check force shader 1.1 in 3da if it has graphica l errors after enabled pixelsha der)
Heroes of Might and Magic V - Tribes of the East (v3.0 Stand alone, no patch needed - Worked with Vista and XP)
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Hitman 3: Contract s
Hitman 4: Blood Money (3D Analyze emulatin g HW TnL - lags badly and textures corrupte d)
Homeworl d 2
House of the Dead 1-2


Hunting Unlimite d 2010

Hydro Thunder

Indigo Prophecy / Fahrenhe it
Internat ional Cricket Captain 2008
Infernal (Works great out of the box - 640x480 with DOF and Reflecti on off [Windows 7 + Modded Drivers])
Iron Man

Jade Dynasty
Just Cause (3D Analyze force HW TnL, antidete ct shaders)

Jurassic Park Operatio n Genesis(3d analyzer emulate pixel shader caps -VASH )

Kabus 22
K-Hawk: Survival Instinct
Kill.Swi tch
Killing Floor
King Kong
Kohan + Expansio ns
Kohan 2
KOS Secret Operatio ns (Everythi ng low and you can play some small maps, like Training Ground. The game uses the same engine of Left 4 Dead, so if you know how to tweak that little monster, try these tweaks on this game and if is successf ul, post here how to play this game better Cheesy)
Kuma Games

Land Of The Dead: Road To Fiddlers Green
Land Rover Off Road
League of Legends
Left 4 Dead (Modded 1624 drivers,game accelera tor,cpu right mark,disable postproc essing) (Hard to play most maps, some customs, like l4d_oran ge, runs with great FPS)
Left 4 Dead 2: Demo (Yeah, you can normally run this game, BUT it'll not have a good FPS, maybe later we find out some tweaks :3)
Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen
Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
Legacy of Kain: Defiance (Vista/7 with addgame. reg)
Lego Batman
Lego Indiana Jones
Lego Star Wars (With 3D Analyzer, emulate HW TnL caps, Force SW TnL)
Lego Star Wars 2
Line Of Sight: Vietnam
Live For Speed

Machinar ium
Madagasc ar
Making History + Gold Edition
Manhunt 2 (Windows 7 using addgame. reg tweak)
Marine Heavy Gunner: Vietnam
Marine Sharpsho oter 2
Matt Hoffman Pro BMX
Max Payne (Patch 1.05, tested on XP SP2)
Max Payne 2
Mechcomm ander 2
Mechwarr ior 3 + Pirate Moon
Mechwarr ior 4 + All Expansio ns
Medal Of Honor: Pacific Assault
Medieval II: Total War
Megaman X4
Megaman X5
Megaman X6
Megaman X7
Megaman X8
Metal Gear Solid
Microsof t Flight Simulato r 2004
Microsof t Flight Simulato r X + Deluxe Version
Midnight Nowhere
Monster Truck Madness 2
MotoGP 3
Mount & Blade (DirectX 7)
Myst 4: Revelati ons
Myst 5: End Of Ages

Nancy Drew: The White Wolf Of Icicle Creek
Nascar: SimRacin g
NBA Live 2006
NBA Live 2008
Need for Speed: Carbon (Vista. On XP with Swiftsha der - but low FPS)
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Need for Speed: Porsche
Need for Speed: Pro Street (Swiftsha der but it's laggy like Carbon on xp)
Need for Speed: Undergro und
Need for Speed: Undergro und 2
Need for Speed: Undercov er (Must have 1.5gb ram, Windows Vista and run the game in Windows 98 compatib ility mode)
Neverwin ter Nights: Diamond Editon
Neverwin ter Nights 2 (Use 3D Analyzer v2.36 and emulate HW TnL)
NHL 2000
NHL 2001
NHL 2002
NHL 2003
NHL 2004
NHL 2005
NHL 07
NHL 08
NHL 09
NiBiRu: Age of Secrets
Night Watch
No One Lives Forever
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In Harm's Way
Nosferat u

O2 Mania
Obscure (Use 3D Analyzer v2.36 and emulate HW TnL)
Obscure 2
Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
Operatio n 7 (free online fps)
Outrun 2006: Coast 2 Coast
Overcloc ked: A history Of Violence (Use 3D Analyzer emulate HW TnL, force SW TnL. Got a BSOD sometime, still working for it and haven't used modded driver)
Overlord (Use 3D Analyzer and emulate HW TnL) (5-10 fps)
Overspee d: High Performa nce Street Racing

Painkill er (Use 3D Analyzer v2.36 and emulate HW TnL)
Painkill er Overdose (sun smoothly on win 7 +modded driver, on xp use 3d analyzer)
Patholog ic (Use 3D Analyzer v2.36 and emulate HW TnL)
Peggle Deluxe
Peggle Nights Deluxe
Peggle Extreme
Perfect World (Works on lowest quality for Windows Vista)
Peter Jackson's King Kong
Phantasy Star Online Ver 2
Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst
Phantasy Star Universe
Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of illuminu s (Both original and expansio n will have post effect glowing problem most likely on XP. Use Swiftsha der with d3d9 to solve the post effect problem. Should work without any problems for Windows Vista)
Plants vs. Zombies
Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor
Port Royale 2
Portal (Modded driver on Windows Vista, game crashes with normal drivers)
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Use 3D Analyzer v2.34 and emulate HW TnL)
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Prison Tycoon 4
Pro Evolutio n Soccer 2008
Pro Evolutio n Soccer 2009
Project IGI
Project IGI 2: Covert Strike
PSI-OPS: The Mindgate Conspira cy
Psychona uts (Runs in 800x600 with Medium Details)
PyroBlaz er (Emulate HW TnL caps and force 100 Hz)

Quake 3
Quake 4 (Better performa nce with modded drivers)
Quake Live

Ragnarok Online 2: The Gate of the World
Rally Trophy
Raven Squad
Rayman 2
Red Faction 2
Red Orchestr a: Ostfront 41-45
Rent a Hero
Reservoi r Dogs
Resident Evil 1 (Works on Windows XP, Vista, and Win7 with Windows 95 compatib ility)
Resident Evil 2 (Works on Windows XP, Vista, and Win7 with Windows 98/2000 compatib ility)
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 4 (Modded drivers on Windows Vista/7 works. Windows XP only on low 640x480, 15-25 FPS)
Rise of Nations + Thrones and Patriots
Rise of Nations 2: Rise of Legends
Rogue Trooper
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 + Expansio ns
Rome: Total War
Rune Demo
Runescap e + HD (All settings lowered for best performa nce)

Sam & Max Season 1 + 2
Samurai Warriors 2 / SENGOKU MUSOU 2
SAS: Secure Tomorrow
Scarface: The World Is Yours (Windows Vista/7 with 1545 modded driver and 'addgame. reg' Tweak)
Second Sight (3DA crashes randomly)
Secret Files: Tunguska
Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis
Secret Weapons Over Normandy
Serious Sam
Serious Sam II
Shade - Wrath of Angels
Shadowma n
Shadow Ops: Red Mercury
Ship Simulato r 2006 + Add On
Shogun: Total War
Sid Meier's Railroad
Silent Hunter 3 (Lags when looking out onto the horizon)
Silent Hill 3 (with addgame. reg)
Silent Hill 4: The Room (Use 3D Analyze and emulate HW TnL)
Silent Storm
Sim Copter
SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition
SimTower: The Vertical Empire
Singles 2: Triple Trouble (A copy of The Sims 2, runs perfect with modded driver)
Sins Of Solar Empire
Sniper Elite
Sniper Path Of Vengeanc e
Soldier Front
Soldier of fortune 2
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Worlds
Space Ranger
Space Ranger 2: Reboot (The Original Dominato r is Playable)
Special Forces Nemesis
Specnaz 2 (Use 3D Analyze and emulate HW TnL, force SW TnL. Windows Vista/7 - a bit laggy)
SpellFor ce 2: Shadow Wars (Windows XP + modded drivers, 1024x768 4x antisotr opic Filterin g Texture:High ~20fps)
Spider Man 2
Splinter Cell 1 (To fix thermal vision crash, open Splinter Cell.ini , look for "EmulateG F2Mode=0" and change to "EmulateG F2Mode=1")
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (Windows Vista with Modded Drivers and the 'addgame. reg' Tweak for splinter cell2.ex e not pandora. exe )
SPORE™ + expansio ns
Spy Hunter: Nowhere to Run (Winodws 7 with 'addgame. reg' tweak)
S.T.A.L. K.E.R.: Shadows of Chernoby l (Tweaking Guide -
Starship Troopers
Star Trek Elite Force 2 (XP, stock drivers, runs okay)
Star Trek Starflee t Command 3 (XP, stock drivers, highest settings)
Star Wars: Battlefr ont 1 ( All low - 40 FPS )
Star Wars: Battlefr ont 2 ( All low - 20 FPS, depends on map )
Star Wars: Empire At War
Star Wars: Galactic Battles
Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi Outcast
Star Wars: Jedi Knight 3 - Jedi Academy
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Some graphic glitches, but otherwis e runs fine)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords
Star Wars: Republic Commando
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D
Street Fighter Alpha 2
Street Racing Syndicat e
Streets Of Sim City
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attracti ve People Episode 1 - 5
Sudden Attack (Korean fps)
Supreme Ruler
Supreme Ruler : Global Crisis
SWAT (Windows XP - compatib ility mode for Windows 95)
SWAT 2 (Windows XP - compatib ility mode for Windows 95)
SWAT 3 (Windows XP - compatib ility mode for Windows 95)
SWAT 4 + Expansio n
Swing Plus
Swashbuc klers BlueVsGr ey

Team Fortress 2 (Windows Vista and Modded Drivers. 'vertices 1024' command in console to obtain playable FPS)
Terroris t Takedown 2
The Cosen: Well of Souls (Rpg)
The Club
The Club Demo
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowin d + Expansio ns
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion + Expansio ns (Oldblivi on recommen ded, although not required)
The Fall - Last Days of Gaia
The Godfathe r
The Guild + Expansio ns
The Guild 2
The Hell In Vietnam
The Hobbit
The Lord Of The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth I
The Lord Of The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth II+ Expansio n (Rise of the Witch King)
The Lord Of The Rings: Fellowsh ip Of The Ring
The Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King (Help provided on Intel site and also works with 3D Analyzer)
The Lord Of The Rings: War Of The Ring
The Sims + Expansio ns
The Sims 2 + Expansio ns
The Sims 3 (All low quality)
The Sufferin g
The Sufferin g: Ties That Bind
The Terminat or 3: war of the machines (a bit buggy on win7)
The Thing
The Westerne r
The Witcher (Windows Vista/7 + Modded Drivers)
Thief 3: Deadly Shadows
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007
Toca Race Driver 2
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown (Use 3D Analyze and emulate HW TnL, force SW TnL)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Raven Shield
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
Tom Clancy's HAWX (3D Analyze with HW TnL, force sw tnl or modded driver with a registry value of 1 on HAWX.exe, playable with textures on low and highest resoluti on)
Tomb Raider: Annivers ary
Tomb Raider: Legend
Tony Hawk's American Wastelan d
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
Tony Hawk's Undergro und
Tony Hawk's Undergro und 2
Torchlig ht
Total Overdose
Trackman ia Nations Forever (Higher FPS with modded driver or 3D Analyze)
Trackman ia Sunrise / Trackman ia Sunrise Extreme
Transfor mers: The Game
Trials 2 SE
True crime: Streets of LA ( Runs on vista, but game is very glitchy. ( patch advised) Fps:15-20 using 1GB.
True crime: New York City. ( Runs using addgame. reg, inside building s runs perfect/outside city runs a little slow.)
Turok: Evolutio n (3d Analyze - HW TnL caps, force SW TnL, force 100hz)
Twin Sector Demo (Use SwiftSha der, laggy)
Two Worlds (Use 3D Analyze and check force SW TnL)

Ultimate Spider-man (Use 3danalyz e for better graphics)
Universe At War: Earth Assault
Unreal Tourname nt 99 (works great with updated OpenGL drivers, and STC3 textures)
Unreal Tourname nt 2003
Unreal Tourname nt 2004
Urban Freestyl e Soccer
Urban Terror

Vampire The Masquera de: Bloodlin es (Systems with 2GB ram or more must use 3D Analyzer v2.26 or game will crash)
Vampire The Masquera de: Redempti on
Virtua Tennis 3 (Update to latest patch. Works smoothly on 1024x768 with all low)

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
Warhamme r 40k: Dark Crusade
Warhamme r 40k: Dawn of War
Warhamme r 40k: Dawn of War - Winter Assault
Warhamme r 40k: Soul Storm
Warhamme r Online - Age of Reckonin g (lowest settings, addgame. reg required)
Warriors Orochi
Warriors Orochi 2
Warlords Battlecr y II
Warlords Battlecr y III
War Rock
(The) Witcher (Windows Vista/7 + Modded Drivers)
World in Conflict (Version 1.0 with Pixel Shaders set to high)
World of Goo
World of Warcraft + The Burning Crusade + Wrath of the Lich King (if you have a lower CPU speed, disable addgame. reg effect)
Worms: Forts Under Siege
Worms 3D
Worms 4: Mayhem
Worms World Party
WWE RAW Ultimate Impact 2009

X3: Reunion (Update to the latest patch and use the 'addgame. reg' Tweak)
XII century death or glory(win 7 +modded driver)
X-Men: The Official Game (Use 3D Analyze and emulate HW TnL)
Xpand Rally Xtreme

Yager (Use 3D Analyzer and emulate HW TnL)
Ys Ark of Napishti m (Patch to 1109, apply english translat ion)

Zeno Clash (Windows 7 with modded drivers and software vertex processi ng mode)
Zombie Panic!
Zombie Panic!: Source
Zombie Shooter


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