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Showing posts from 2019

How to Play PS3 Games On PC - Full Game Guide

Hi GuyZ, Today, I am going to show you , how to play PS3 Games on PC using RPCS3 Emulator. It is very easy to setup and play PS3 Games. I got to know about this emulator some time ago and i thought i should give it a try . Initially i was not sure that whether it would work or not. But at last it worked. I found it very to easy to setup and play  PS3 games . Although this emulator is still in development stage so you may encounter with some errors. I haven’t got any errors. In this tutorial, I am using PS3 PKG file. This emulator also supports dumping ps3 disc and ISO Images. Prerequisites: RPCS3 Emulator PS3 Update File Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable PS3 .pkg and Rap File Important Tip Before downloading any game make sure it comes under the playable section of rpcs3 compatibility. To check which game you can play using RPCS3  click HERE . Games which are showing in Playable Section are actually the games which are in running state and can...

Devops - Docker Compose Part 1

1. version –   Version is the first attribute which your specify in your docker compose file. At the time of writing this post the latest version was 3.7 and which was introduced with docker engine  18.06.0+ version. If you will not specify the version you will probably get the error when you will try to run docker-compose up.   Example – version: ‘3.7’ 2. services  – This is the second attribute which we specify after version in our docker-compose.yaml file. It is also a mandatory attribute otherwise you will encounter an error. Under services attribute we specify our docker containers . You can specify any no. of docker containers inside this.  3. Service Name  – As we discussed under services attribute we specify our services name. For example myql: followed by colon(mandatory). Then inside our service we further add our different service attributes like container_name, networks, depends_on, volumes etc.  E...

Automation - Update Naukri Profile Using Selenium

Recently one of my friend came to me with a problem. He is looking out for new job but he feels quite boring to update  his profile on daily basis. As some people says updating profile in the morning gives you more calls as it keeps the newly updated profile on top (Although i don’t know whether naukri works this way or not 😀 ). As i was more interested to solve his problem.  After listening his problem i came to solution that instead of updating it manually lets make this job automatic. And it is quite interesting how we can automate our daily boring task with automation. Another day i came with the solution . And the solution was to make it automatic using selenium (Those who are not aware about selenium do check this link) In short, Selenium is a Testing automation Framework. And it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that. Boring web-based administration tasks can (and should) also be automated as well....

OpenCV - Image Filters

Hello Guys, In this tutorial, I will discuss the color map in OpenCV. Color Map is used to show different color temperatures. And this can also be used to generate some cool image filters.  OpenCV comes with thirteen built-in color maps. So in this tutorial, I will show you how to use color maps.  Let’s get started List of Color Maps COLORMAP_AUTUMN COLORMAP_BONE COLORMAP_JET COLORMAP_WINTER COLORMAP_RAINBOW COLORMAP_OCEAN COLORMAP_SUMMER COLORMAP_SPRING COLORMAP_COOL COLORMAP_HSV COLORMAP_PINK COLORMAP_HOT COLORMAP_PARULA To apply color map first we need to convert an image to grayscale. So I will use  img = cv.imread("nature.jpg",cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) If you are not aware of this function then please check my previous tutorial To apply color maps, OpenCV comes with a function called applyColorMap() . This function takes two parameters. Gray Scale image Color Map Autumn Bone Cool Hot HSV Jet Ocean Parula Pink ...

OpenCV - Drawing a Circle with python

In this tutorial, I will show you how to draw a circle in OpenCV. OpenCV comes with lots of built-in functions that make our life easier especially when we are working on image processing .  And there is a function called circle in OpenCV which is used to draw a circle. This function takes following parameters: 1. Image : Takes an image object 2. Center : Center point coordinates 3. Radius : Radius of the circle 4. Color : Takes color in BGR format 5. Thickness : By default set to 1 (optional) 6. Line Type : By default set to 8-connected.It can also be  LINE_AA  or  4-connected  (Optional) 7. Shift:  Shifts fractional bits in the point coordinates of center and radius (Optional) Especially when we are creating closed shapes. Thickness plays an important role. Here if the negative thickness is passed in this function or any other function which creates a closed shape(rectangle, polygon, etc). Then it creates a filled shape (filled with color). Negative Thickness Filled Circle Positive ...

OpenCV - Drawing a line with Python

Hello Guys, In this tutorial, I will show you how to draw a line in OpenCV. OpenCV comes with lots of built-in functions that make our life easier especially when we are working on image processing .  And there is a function called line  in OpenCV which is used to draw a line. This function takes the following parameters: 1. Image: Takes image object 2. Point 1: Point 1 X and Y  Coordinates 3. Point 2:  Point 2 X and Y  Coordinates 4. Color: Takes color in BGR format 5. Thickness: By default set to 1  (optional) 6. Line Type: By default set to 8-connected .It can also be LINE_AA  or 4-connected  (Optional) 7. Shift: Shifts fractional bits in the point coordinates (Optional) Well it is recommended to use line LINE_AA ( Anti Aliased) as line type. Line Without LINE_AA  (Anti Aliased) You can observe the right and left ends of the line . You will notice curves are showing in a zigzag pattern.  Line With LINE_AA  (Anti Aliased) Now in this image you can observe the curv...

OpenCV - Show Video Properties with python

Hi Guyz, In this tutorial, I will discuss the video properties and how to view the video properties of any video file using OpenCV.  A video file contains different types of properties like width, height, frames, etc. Sometimes it is required to take out these basic video details. In order to make this work, easy OpenCV comes with built-in properties to ease out the work for developers. video = cv.VideoCapture("video.mp4")video.get(0) OpenCV has a function named get(propId). Which takes property Identifier as an argument. There are total 22 property identifiers that OpenCV supports.  List of Property Identifiers One can also modify the properties of video file using set function. This function takes two arguments.  1. Index  2. Property Identifier In case, You want to modify the width and height of the video file. video.set(3,320) # Width video.set(4,480) # Height Program #import cv2 moduleimport cv2 as cv#This function shows the properties of a video filedef showProper...

OpenCV - Play Video with python

Hello Guys, In this tutorial, I will show you how to play a video file using OpenCV. To play a video file or to stream a webcam OpenCV has a function named  VideoCapture.  This function takes only one argument. If you want to play the video you need to pass the file name with extension. Ex:  nature.mp4. Similarly, If you want to stream your webcam you need to pass a number or device index. Which simply means which webcam you want to access. Just in case, If you have more than one webcam. If you have only one webcam then you have to pass 0 or else if you have two web cameras then for accessing the second web camera you have to pass 1  and so on.  Once we have initialized the video object by calling the VideoCapture function. Then we will use an infinite while loop which will iterate till method returns true. read() function returns two parameters  1. Boolean – If True video still playing or False if the video is ended.  2. Frame – Here frame is simpl...

OpenCV - Writing an image

Hello Guys, In this article, I will discuss about how to write images in OpenCV. For writing images, Opencv has the function named “ imwrite “. This function takes two arguments.  1. Image name with extension  2. Image object This function returns a boolean . If it writes the file successfully then it returns True, otherwise False . # Import cv2 moduleimport cv2 as cv#reading an using imread function without passing any parameter# By default it loads the image in color formatcolored_image= cv.imread("nature.jpg") #imwrite returns True if it writes the file successfully otherwise #returns Falseresult = cv.imwrite("nature.png",colored_image)if result: png_img = cv.imread("nature.png") cv.imshow("Png Image",png_img) cv.waitKey(0) cv.destroyAllWindows()else: print("Error in writing file") Also don’t forget to check my previous OpenCV tutorials.

OpenCV - Display Image

Hello Guys, In this tutorial, I will discuss how to display an image using OpenCV.  OpenCV comes with the function named imshow  which is used to display images.  imshow function takes two arguments    1. Window name  2. Image object We can show show any number of windows . But the name of each window must be different. # Import cv2 moduleimport cv2 as cv#reading an using imread function without passing any parameter#by default it loads image in color format (BGR format)colored_image= cv.imread("nature.jpg") # loads image in gray formatgray_image= cv.imread("nature.jpg",cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)#Code to display single imagecv.imshow("Colored Image",colored_image)#Passing zero means it will open till you press any key #to close the window. It takes time in milliseconds . So if 500 will be #passed then it will be opened for 500 ms and then it will be closed # This is used to close all opened windowscv.destroyAllWindows() #code to dis...

OpenCV - Reading An Image with python

Hi Guyz, In this tutorial, I will discuss how to read an image in OpenCV using python . OpenCV has the function called imread for reading an image. This imread function reads the image in BGR format. BGR stands for Blue Green Red. This function takes two argument. Image path Flag  There are three types of flags which this function takes. IMREAD_COLOR  IMREAD_GRAYSCALE IMREAD_UNCHANGED IMREAD_COLOR : This is the default flag which this function takes automatically. So if you want to read an image in the color format then you don’t have pass any flag. Or you can also pass 0 .  IMREAD_GRAYSCALE : When using this flag it read an image in grayscale format. Or you can also pass  1.   IMREAD_UNCHANGED : Loads an image with transparency (Alpha channel). Or you can also pass -1 . import cv2 as cv """ Reading Colored Image """colored_image= cv.imread("nature.jpg") #Same statement can also be written as colored_image= cv.imread("nature.jpg",cv...