Hello Guys,
In this tutorial, I will show you how to draw a line in OpenCV.
OpenCV comes with lots of built-in functions that make our life easier especially when we are working on image processing.
And there is a function called line in OpenCV which is used to draw a line.
This function takes the following parameters:
1. Image: Takes image object
2. Point 1: Point 1 X and Y Coordinates
3. Point 2: Point 2 X and Y Coordinates
4. Color: Takes color in BGR format
5. Thickness: By default set to 1 (optional)
6. Line Type: By default set to 8-connected.It can also be LINE_AA or 4-connected (Optional)
7. Shift: Shifts fractional bits in the point coordinates (Optional)
Well it is recommended to use line LINE_AA (
Anti Aliased) as line type.
You can observe the right and left ends of the line . You will notice curves are showing in a zigzag pattern.
Now in this image you can observe the curves are smooth
#import cv2 moduleimport cv2 as cvimg = cv.imread("nature.jpg")height,width= img.shape[0:2]#creating horizontal line at the center of image# Show curve in zigzag patternimg = cv.line(img,(100,height/2),(800,height/2),(255,144,100),50)#To avoid zigzag patten around curves of line.#LINE_AA - Stands for Line Antialiased (Creates smooth curve)"""img = cv.line(img,(100,height/2),(800,height/2), (255,144,100),50,cv.LINE_AA)"""cv.imshow('Line',img)cv.waitKey(0)cv.destroyAllWindows()
Thanks for reading 🙂 🙂
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